I think Madonna made up her numbers as well. So keep trying.
And what's with you and money? She probably sucks more out of you than you make from your weekly allowance from your mother.
Also, I hate Paws Down monsters but I found their site to be funny when they try to spin Madonna's success compared to Gaga's.
One of their postings was about how Taylor Swift and Madonna are about to outdo Gaga's tour. And you know something? That may be true but Taylor Swift is ready to outsell Madonna as well.
Same venues, same cities, different ticket sales.
From the dates so far:
TAYLOR: Charlotte Time Warner Cable Arena 14,686 / 14,686
COPYDONNA: Charlotte Time Warner Cable Arena 13,817 / 13,817'
I hope more dates and numbers are released soon. But I'll even accept it that Taylor beats Madonna.
Also, did Madonna's THIRD tour ever make it to the top 30 tour lists? I don't think so.